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Dreamy December

Dasia Zanders

It is hard to believe that it is already December. This year has been truly a rollercoaster for everyone in multiple ways. 2020 has not been too kind but I hope that in this last month we receive a gentle time to enjoy ourselves. December holds a certain place in my heart because I associate it with comfort. This year the holiday season will not be the same, it will be spent with no one coming over and no gifts being exchanged. I will not be setting up a hot chocolate bar or creating gift packages to take home. My floors will not be covered in wrapping paper, tape, glitter, and ribbons. There will not be pressure to make a huge meal for my guests because there will be no guests. However, I still decorated the house because it makes me smile. This is my Dreamy December. This is when I cozy into blankets, drink something warm and soothing, watch sappy Hallmark movies, and feel at peace. I am aware I do not have the most traditional beliefs and some of my opinions may seem strange to more traditional people, but if there is one thing I have held onto it is the magical feeling of the holiday season. I am nuzzled into my favorite sitting chair with a warm blanket gifted to me by my grandmother with a hot cup of tea as I stare around at my living room decor. The tree is glistening, the fireplace is on while the lights around the mantel twinkle, there's adorable candles, stuffed animals, and a small winter village I make each year. It is cozy, it is comforting, and it is home.

May a Dreamy December begin for us all!


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